joy lere, psy.d.

Throughout the year I offer a limited number of one-day intensive strategy sessions to provide laser-focus on a project or issue that you want to address and conquer. Your experience will include:
- a 45-minute preparation call to establish an agenda for your experience -
 a 6-hour strategy session situated in the scenic epitome of elegance: Napa, California (or virtually if you prefer not to travel to California)
- If you elect to hold your session in Napa, you will receive two nights in a luxury hotel accommodation to ensure that you are able to unwind and recharge. Gourmet dining (in the morning beverages and lunch) are included to fuel your progress.
- Work together for a six-hour day complete with an agenda that will be collaboratively developed in advance of our time together.

This will be a customized experience tailored your unique goals.  Pack your bag and prepare for clarity, energy, deeper understanding, and confidence to make changes to unlock the growth that is waiting for you. 

For clients seriously seeking to dial in and delve deep and are ready to prioritize and protect time, I offer one-on-one intensive strategy and consultation experiences in Napa, California. These sessions allow clients to protect and prioritize objectives that matter the most. Every day life can fracture time and pull attention away from addressing issues or developing a strategy for projects that are sitting in your current queue, creating stress and slowing you down.

Progress is not linear.

The path often includes a sense that you’ve one step forward and two steps back interspersed between periods of plateau contrasted by sharp inclines of rapid, transformative growth.    

Designing what you need &
structuring time for maximum impact


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Pack your bag and prepare for clarity, energy, deeper understanding, and confidence to make changes to unlock the growth that is waiting for you.

This is not about what everyone else is doing. It is about designing what you need. Structuring for maximum impact.

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